Working Step One

Working Step One in recovery refers to the first step of the 12-step program, which is commonly used in programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Step one is about acknowledging powerlessness over addiction and recognizing the unmanageability of one's life as a result.

Here are some elements of working Step One in recovery:

  1. Admit powerlessness: Recognize and admit that you are powerless over your addiction. Acknowledge that attempts to control or manage your substance use have been unsuccessful and have led to negative consequences.

  2. Accept unmanageability: Acknowledge that your life has become unmanageable as a result of your addiction. Reflect on the ways in which your substance use has caused chaos, harm, and disruption in various areas of your life, such as relationships, work, health, and personal well-being.

  3. Surrender: Embrace the concept of surrender, which involves letting go of the illusion of control and recognizing that you need help to overcome your addiction. Surrendering means being open to seeking support, guidance, and a higher power to guide you on your recovery journey.

  4. Seek support: Reach out for support from others who have experienced similar struggles. Attend meetings of recovery groups like AA or NA, where you can connect with others who understand your challenges and can offer guidance and support.

  5. Reflect and write: Take time to reflect on your past experiences with addiction and the consequences it has had on your life. Consider writing about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts related to powerlessness and unmanageability. Journaling can help you gain clarity and deepen your understanding of your addiction.

  6. Share with a sponsor or trusted individual: Share your Step one work with a sponsor or a trusted individual in your recovery network. Discuss your reflections, thoughts, and feelings related to powerlessness and unmanageability. Their guidance and support can be invaluable as you navigate this step.

Remember, working Step one is an ongoing process, and it may take time to fully embrace and internalize the concept of powerlessness and unmanageability. Be patient with yourself and trust the process of recovery. Working through the steps with the support of a sponsor or a recovery community can help you gain a deeper understanding of your addiction and lay the foundation for lasting sobriety